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Shawnee Mission Northwest
National Honor Society
2017 - 2018 School Year
We have meetings in the Greg Parker Auditorium on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings will no longer be in themornings, but will instead start promptly at 2:45 pm. The doors will close at 2:50pm. All those who arrive late will receive an unexcused absence.
2017-18 Meeting Dates
-September 6
-October 4
-November 8 (*****NOT the first Wednesday of the month--moved so that newly inducted members can join!*****)
-December 6
-February 7
-March 7
-April 4
-May 2
Practice Conflicts
All coaches have been informed of where NHS Student-Athletes will be during the meeting dates. All athletes are excused from practice until 3:30. If any coaches have questions or concerns, they should contact Dr. Boren.
We will work hard to ensure meetings are done with time to spare for athletes to make their practice expectations, so please make sure to be on time to meetings so we can start immediately!
Work/Appointment Conflicts
Since all meeting dates are posted here with plenty of notice (and have been sent to GroupMes), it is expected that members will reschedule work and appointments around meeting times. This is only a once-per-month time commitment, so it should be highly valued and a high priority. If a conflict is EXTREMELY unavoidable, please see Dr. Boren with PLENTY OF NOTICE ahead of the meeting to discuss the conflict.
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