Shawnee Mission Northwest
National Honor Society
2017 - 2018 School Year
Were you invited to join NHS? Wonderful. Below you will find all of the application directions you must complete in order for you to be considered for membership in National Honor Society. All forms must be turned in through your respective Google Classroom, and the parent permission form must be submitted to Mr. Mach in room 117 or 116 by Friday, September 19. Please feel free to contact an executive board member or a sponsor with any questions.
All applicants must receive an invitation. Invitations are distributed during seminar on August 21. If you did not receive an invitation but believe you meet the requirements and you are interested in becoming a member of NHS, speak to a sponsor.
Wednesday, August 26 Required Applicant (Parents Invited) Meeting- 7:00 - 7:30 am OR 7:00 - 7:45 pm, Greg Parker Auditorium
Wednesday, August 26 Required Applicant (Parents Invited) Meeting- 7:00 - 7:30 am OR 7:00 - 7:45 pm, Greg Parker Auditorium
Monday, October 3 Deadline for application forms to be submitted to Google Docs
Monday, November 7 Induction ceremony (Required for incoming and current members)- 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Greg Parker Auditorium
Directions for Submitting NHS Application
1. Go to Google Classroom. Join a class and enter the appropriate code for your grade level.
2. You will see three “assignments” for your application. Open each of the three documents using the “open with” Google Docs application.
3. Carefully complete each document and verify accuracy with initials.
4. Click on the file icon next to the title that is labeled “move to folder.” Click “organize.” Select a folder on YOUR drive to save the document. Click move down at the bottom.
5. Go back to Google Classroom. Click add from Google Drive. Select your document. You will see both the Word and Google Document. Click the “X” to the right side of the Word Document. Turn in the Google Document.
6. “Turn in” each assignment no later than October 3rd at 3 PM.
Your application is considered complete only after all three documents have been turned into Google Classroom assignments and all forms in the envelope you received have been submitted to Mr. Mach or Mrs. Boren.
Need Service Hours?
One of the four pillars of NHS is service. If you have not already or are completely uninterested in establishing a habit of service, then National Honor Society is probably not for you. If you just need a few more service hours to complete your application, please see the "Service" tab for ideas!